7 no. Matubhuiyan Union, Daganbhuiyan, Feni.
It is located on the right side of the Feni-Noakhali Regional Highway, about 11 km from Daganbhuiyan on the Mohipal junction in Feni. Mohipal can be reached by local bus or CNG powered autorickshaw. Only 1 km away from Daganbhuiyan Upazila Parishad.
Introduction: Dulamia Cotton Spinning Mills, the largest industrial establishment in Greater Noakhali,
is located at Matubhuiyan. About one and a half thousand workers work here. Most of them are
Daganbhuiyan residents. By making high quality yarn, the industrial company has made an outstanding
contribution in solving the unemployment problem of the area just as it has played a role in the
economy of the country. It is owned by prominent businessman Mr. Abdul Awal Mintu.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS